Monday, April 11, 2011

Quote for the Day

This is a converstation between Maks & Kirstie after the Rumba. This was such funny, great interaction between them, and one of the reasons they make such a great team! As aired on DWTS Week 3, aired on ABC 4/5/11 - Results, After the Rumba Discussion:

Maks: "It wasn't you. It wasn't you at all. Look. . .I admire that you want to, you know, take the fall with me."

Kirstie: "I did." (Both Laughing)

Maks: "Literally"

Kirstie: "Oh, I love you, (kisses Maks on the cheek) You're so funny."

Maks: "I was like there's no way your're standing up. Come down here with me." (As Maks motions pulling her down.)

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