The following message was posted on Twitter on Wed, 5/18/11 by @LiveLaughLoveCj to Kirstie and Maks. I'm sure that many of us agree and feel the same way! Thanks for writing and sharing such a great message @LiveLaughLoveCj !!
On Wednesday, 5/18/11, @LiveLaughLoveCj said:
@KirstieAlley @MaksimC #DWTS It has been a journey not just of dance but of laughter and the resiliency of the human spirit. You took us all by the heart and we stood witness to the extraordinary transformation of a life via the celebration of dance.
Maks you showed what could be possible you BELIEVED first and we couldn't help but believe too. "Bad boy of dance" I think not! Not as evidenced especially this season, you are dedicated, hardworking, tough - fair but tough, you envision what can be for your partners long before they can even begin to envision it for themselves. You sir, have a gift, an extraordinary gift! Thank you for sharing it with us all ~ all these years!
Kirstie; what can be said that hasn't already been said by so many of us? You remain #unbroken and to thousands and thousands of us out here who have been in that very place, you encouraged with laughter, love of life, ballsy hutzpah, and sheer will and determination how one can make what others say is "impossible" possible - you roared, you laughed and you brought us all along for the most incredible ride. Your fans have long since adored you and if even possible, adore you even more! I think we'd collectively give you a High Five, hugs, and atta girl's if we could - I hope you have felt that throughout this experience.
We, both yours and Maks fans have come together to share our enthusiasm, life, love and laughter and appreciation for ALL of it. You both truly are the Princess and Prince of the dance floor and in life/ We, your willing community are so grateful to have been part of your dance, your "kingdom". We will continue to support you in each of your endeavors whatever they may be once the lights have dimmed on the dance floor. Although not just yet -- there is one more week to go - right?
May you both know that you have gone above and beyond entertainment - you spoke to our lives and to believing all that is possible. #Light #Love #Fight #Yove #Laughter and #Dance Now here's to the #MirrorBallTrophy ~ go get it! We want it for you! #F'nPerfect
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